Section 1. Name and Motto
The name of the organisation shall be ‘The International Association of Y’s Men’s Clubs, Mid West India Region’ and it may also be called ‘The Y’s Men International, Mid West India Region’ herein after called ‘The Region’. Its motto shall be “To acknowledge the duty that accompanies every right”.
Section 2. Emblem
The Emblem of the association shall consist of a red triangle with the word “International” in the top bar, a large blue ‘Y’ and a golden star shedding rays on design. The map of the world below the triangle is indicative of its global nature. The words ‘since 1922’ indicate the year in which the movement was founded..
Section 3. Purposes and Objects
a. The International association of Y's Men's club is a worldwide fellowship of persons of all faiths working together in mutual respect and affection based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and with a common loyalty to the Young Men's Christian Association, striving through active service to develop, encourage and provide leadership to build a better world for all mankind.
b. The objects of the Association are:
- To encourage, promote, and foster organisation and maintenance of Y's Men's Clubs in the Region, and
- To co-ordinate the activities of all affiliated clubs and provide training materials and personal leadership development.
c. The objects of the affiliated clubs are:
- To support the activities of the Young Men's Christian Association and other worthy organisations by personal service and united effort.
- To encourage justice in civic, national and International affairs, abstaining always from party politics.
- To keep members informed on and actively involved in civic, economic, social and International matters.
- To cultivate good fellowship among members and their families and
- To do service to the community.
Section 4. Membership
- The membership of the Association shall consist of Y's Men's Clubs and Y's Women's Clubs in Mid West India Region duly chartered by Y's Men International.
- A group of people organised as a unit of the Y's Men International shall be called a club. The minimum number of persons required to form a club shall be fifteen.
- Each club shall be known by the name of the city or place, where it is located. For example, Y's Men's Club of……………………… and not Y's Men International ……………………….or Y’s Men's International Club of…………………… . In a community having more than one club, each club shall add appropriate identifying matter.
- The membership of a club shall consist of men, women or both, No one shall be denied membership status because of race, creed or National origin
- There may be Y's Menettes Clubs consisting of women to serve as partners to local Y's Men's Club.
a. There may be Y's Lings Clubs consisting of children of Y's Men/Women upto the age of 25 to serve as auxiliary to the local Y's Men's Club
b. Y's Ling's Clubs in the Region shall be chartered by the Region
c. Y's Menettes Clubs shall be chartered as prescribed by the International
- ‘No person shall have membership in more than one Y’s Men’s or Y’s Women’s Clubs. However, one may get transfer from one Club to another by getting and producing a ‘ No Objection Certificate’ from the original Club and the other Club accepting that person. In case any club refuses to give such a no objection certificate to a member on request, he may appeal against such refusal to a committee consisting of the RD, RD-Elect and IPRD. Within two weeks of receipt of such an appeal, the RD shall, with notice to both the parties, arrange for a hearing of the matter before the said committee and the decision of the Committee, rendered within a week of such hearing or in necessary cases an adjourned hearing within a further period of two weeks, shall be final in the matter. If no decision is received from the Committee within five weeks from the date of receipt of the appeal by the RD, it shall be deemed that a ‘No Objection Certificate’ has been granted to the member concerned.
- All club members shall be encouraged to be members of YMCA.
- Application for authority to organise and maintain a club shall be made to the Regional Director. He shall determine the eligibility to be chartered and in case of his assent, notify the Secretary General, Y's Men's International who shall register the new club and provide charter to it provided that only a club, which is at least three years old and is in good standing shall be eligible to sponsor a new club.
- The authority to determine whether a club duly chartered has become defunct shall be in the Regional Director acting in consultation with the Regional Council. In accordance with such determination he may communicate the decision to the Secretary General, who shall there upon withdraw the charter of the concerned club.
- Any of the following shall render a Club liable to be adjudged defunct.
a) The Club is in default in payment of International/ Area/ Regional/ District dues for three consecutive semesters.
b) The Club is working against the International/ Area/ Regional/ Club Constitution.
c) The Club is bringing disrepute to the Y’s Men International by its internal or external activities.
d) The Regional Council is satisfied that the Club as such has ceased to exist.
e) Any other reason that the Regional Council deems sufficient to hold that the Club is defunct.
- Any chartered club, which may withdraw from or forfeit its membership in this Association shall forthwith surrender its Charter and cease to use "Y's Men's Club or any other words closely resembling the same as club name and shall cease to use any or all insignia adopted by this Association.
- Y’s Men no longer residing in communities where Y’s Men’s Club exists may become Members-at-large, upon application to and the approval of Regional Director and the International Secretary General’. Member-at-large shall pay dues as determined by Regional Council and would not have voting privileges.
Section 5. Membership Contribution
1. Every club shall pay to the Region an Initiation (fee for each member newly admitted) and an annual per capita fee and such other subscriptions as may be fixed by the Regional Council from time to time. The annual fee shall be payable half yearly in equal installments, together with the Initiation Fee and other subscriptions, if any. The fee payable for the first half year ending 31st December shall be paid on or before 31st August in that half year and the fee payable for the next half year shall be paid on or before 28th February in that half year, provided further that the Regional Council may revise and fix per capita fee payable by the member from year to year to make provision for the enhancement in International dues and fluctuation in the exchange rate.
The semi annual per capita fee payable by clubs on or before 31st August and 28th of February shall be based on the membership strength of the club as on the previous 1st Aug and the previous 1st February respectively with addition of membership fee in respect of members taken into the club during the course of the relevant half year, the per capita fee payable by such members being determined upon and, being proportionate to the number of months they have been members in that half year taking the month of their enrolment as a whole month.
2. Along with every semester payment, every club in the region shall file with the Region a semi annual report containing the name, addresses, phone numbers, email IDs, etc of their members in the prescribed form.
- A club applying for charter shall pay to the Region a charter fee equivalent to Swiss Francs 200 and one semi annual per capita fee for all members.
- A club in default for 3 semesters in payment of its dues shall cease to be a member of the Association.
- No fee shall be payable by or on account of the YMCA Related Secretary of the Club if he is not a member of the club. Related Secretary is to be invited to every club function including Board Meeting without voting rights.
Section 5. (A) Membership and Club Not in Good Standing:
- A club ‘in good standing ‘is a club which has paid District, Regional, Area and International Dues by due dates prescribed as prescribed in Section 5.1 of this constitution for its members along with roster mentioned in 5.2 of this constitution for the current semester and for the two semesters immediately preceding the current semester and have at least fifteen (15) members for the current semester and for the two semesters immediately preceding the current semester
Where a club has been chartered within the current semester or within the two semesters immediately preceding the current semester, the ‘in good standing’ definition shall apply only to the demands for dues made against the club since it was started.
Section 6. Regional Council
- The Regional Council shall consist of the Regional Director, Regional Director- Elect, Immediate Past Regional Director, the Regional Secretary, the Regional Treasurer, the Regional Bulletin Editor, the Lt. Regional Directors, the Lt. Regional Directors-Elect, the District Governors, the Regional Service Directors enumerated in Sub Section (1) of Section 7 and International Executive Officers, International Council Members and Area Officers (AP, AS, AT & ABE) if any, in the Region. Only these members shall have voting rights in the Regional Council.
- The Regional Council shall have the general management and control of the business, property and funds of the Association.
- The Council shall meet at the call of the Regional Director or one half of its members, after they notify the Regional Director for calling a Council Meeting and the Regional Director fails to give notice for a meeting within 15 days.
- The council shall ordinarily meet once in four months. It may also transact business by mail.
- The quorum for a meeting of the Council shall be one third of the council membership
Section 7. Regional Service Directors (RSDs)
- There shall be 25 Regional Service Directors with portfolios as at the International, as follows:
- Alexander Scholarship Fund (ASF)
- Brotherhood Fund (BHF)
- Community Service (CS)
- Extension (E ).
- Time of Fast (TOF)
- International Brother Club (IBC)
- Endowment Fund (EF)
- Membership Conservation (MC)
- Youth Involvement and Activities (YIA)
- YMCA liaison (YL)
- Public Relations (PR)
- Leadership Training and Organisational Development (LT&OD)
- Club Supplies (CS)
- Christian Emphasis (CE)
- Historian (H)
- Philately (BF Philatelist)
- Travel Co-Ordination (TC)
- Short Term Exchange Programme.(STEP)
- Youth Educational Exchange Programme (YEEP)
- Y's Menettes
- Youth Representative (YR)
- Youth Representative Mentor (YRM)
- Web Master (WM)
- Y's Extension Support Program
- Roll Back Malaria
In addition the Regional Council may sanction the creation of not more than 10 offices of Regional Service Directors for such other activities or services as it may deem necessary. To such posts sanctioned by the Council, the incoming Regional Director may make nominations from among good standing Y's Men of good standing clubs.
- Past RDs, Past LRDs, current ISDs, ASDs, DGs-Elect, IPDGs and the Regional Related Secretary shall be permanent invitees to the Regional Council without voting rights.
3. The incoming Regional Director may nominate other experienced and competent good standing Y’s Men of good standing clubs as Additional Regional Service Directors and they shall also be permanent invitees to the Regional Council without voting rights.
Section 8. Regional Convention
- A Convention of the Region, which will be the General Body of the Association shall ordinarily be held annually between the 1st May and 30th June.
- The Convention shall consist of members of the Regional Council, former and present ICMs in the Region if any, former Regional Directors in the Region, delegates representing chartered clubs in good standing, observers and invitees.
- The Regional Council shall select the venue for the convention at least three months before the date of the convention.
- The Regional Director may appoint a Host Convention Committee to plan and assist in the conduct of the Convention.
- Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this constitution, every chartered club in good standing shall be entitled to send one delegate for 15 to 20 members and one delegate each for every additional 10 members. Ie. Upto 20 members one delegate, upto 30 -2, upto 40 -3, upto 50-4 ie. one delegate for attaining next 10th member. Major part will not be considered. Clubs can send any number of its members as observers. Observers shall not have voting rights. Every club in good standing in the Region shall send a list of its delegates to the Regional Secretary so as to be received by him at least seven days prior to the date of the Annual Convention. The clubs may also furnish the name of one alternate delegate for every delegate whose name is appearing in the list at the convention and only such delegates or alternate delegates, to act in the event of the official delegate being absent as the case may be, have the right to vote in the event of an election. Provided further that it is open to the Regional Director to accept suomoto or on appeal from any club the list of delegates furnished by any club of good standing till such time as the final list of delegates are drawn up by him at the convention. Provided however that only those members, whose names appear in the semi-annual report (roster) of the Club for the current semester are eligible to be sent as delegates.
6. Clubs which have not paid all their dues to the International, Area and the Region on or before 28th of February shall not be entitled to send delegates to the Convention but they may send observers, if the payment is made subsequently.
- Every club shall pay not later than opening day of the Regional Convention such sum as may be fixed by the Regional Council as convention charges.
- All those attending the convention shall also pay their Registration fees and accommodation charges at such rates within such period as may be fixed by convention committee.
- Delegates of the clubs who register at and attend the Convention alone shall have the right to vote at the convention. The quorum for the convention shall be attendance in person of delegates equal to one third of the delegates of clubs in good standing that are in attendance.
- To foster and promote the spirit of fellowship among the members of clubs of all the Regions in India Area, a joint Convention of all the Regions shall be held in alternate years, which shall be the Regional Convention of that year for the Regions. The Business session of the Region shall be held separately but other sessions shall be joint. The venue, date and programme of such conventions shall be drawn up jointly by the Regional Directors of the Regions in consultation with the respective Regional Councils. If at any time any one of the Regions in India resolves against holding such joint convention this provision shall cease to be operative for that year.
- The annual Report of the Regional Secretary and the Statement of Accounts of the year shall be presented before the Regional Council before placing them before the Business Session of the General Body at the Regional Convention.
Section 9. Election of Regional Council
- The Regional Director-Elect, shall automatically become Regional Director at the expiration of the current Director's term of office or upon his death, incapacity or resignation from the office.
- The Regional Director-Elect, the Lt. Director or the Lt. Directors as the case may be and the service Directors of the Region other than those who under the provision of this constitution are to be nominated, shall be elected at the Convention. When the Region decides that there shall be more than one Lt. Director in the Region under Section 17 of the constitution, for each of the Zones separate nomination of Lt. Director shall be called for from among those who belong to the clubs in the respective Zones and in the case of election, each of such Lt. Director shall be elected on the majority of votes of delegates from the clubs in the Zone to which such Lt. Director is elected. (Explanation: The clubs in the Districts under each Lt. Director allotted by the Regional Council under Section 17 is denoted by the term "Zone" as mentioned above)
- In order to help the Regional Director in the day to day administration of the Region ,he/she may nominate a Regional cabinet consisting of Regional Secretary, Regional Treasurer and the Regional Bulletin Editor He may also nominate such other functionaries as he/she may designate and they may be invited to the meetings of the Regional Council without voting rights. The Regional Related Secretary shall be nominated by the Regional Director in consultation with the Regional Secretary of the YMCA South West India Region.
- All casual vacancies may be filled for the remaining term of office by the Regional Council.
Section 10. Procedure for Election
- A nomination committee consisting of the Regional Director as Chairman and Convener, the Immediate Past Regional Director and the Regional Director-Elect shall be formed to scrutinise the nominations received from the clubs in accordance with the provisions of this section and to propose to the Convention the name of one candidate each for the various posts for which Elections are to be held at the convention. In doing so, the nomination committee shall consider such matters as leadership qualities expected of the person to occupy the particular post and adequate representation from different geographical areas forming the Region. Provided further that the Nomination Committee may, if deemed necessary, suggest names not already proposed or suggest changes in the portfolios of the candidates for consideration of the convention.
- All clubs in good standing may submit to the Regional Director nominations for the election.
- Only Past Lt. Regional Directors are eligible for nomination for the post of Regional Director Elect.
- Only Past District Governors are eligible for nomination for the post of Lt. Regional Directors.
- Only a person who has been a Y’s Man or Y’s Woman continuously for a period of four years and has held the office of President of a club for one complete year shall be qualified to be elected to the post of District Governor- Elect. In case there is no person so qualified available or willing to be elected as DG-Elect in a District, the Nomination Committee named in Sub Section (i) above may appoint a person with a lesser standing in Y’sdom but has completed one full year as President of a club as District Governor-Elect of that District. In any other event necessitating the direct appointment of a District Governor the same Nomination Committee shall make that appointment on the principles of this Sub Section.
- Only a person who holds or has held the office of the President , Secretary or experienced and competent Y’s Man/Y’s Woman of a Good standing club shall be qualified to be elected as a Service Director of the Region
- The nominees for all offices shall be members in good standing and proposed by the home club in good standing
- Before the 10th day of March every year, the Regional Director shall send a circular to all the clubs in good standing in the Region calling for nominations to the posts to which elections are to be held. The nomination shall reach the Regional Director before 31st March. The nominees may withdraw their candidature before 15th April by intimation in writing to the Regional Director who shall notify the remaining nominations to all clubs before 30th April.
- The nominating committee shall scrutinise the nominations and present its recommendations to the Convention which shall elect the officers. It shall be open for any delegate to propose for election any duly nominated candidate other than the one recommended by the committee, provided his name has already been properly proposed by his club and further he has not withdrawn his candidature. In the event of a contest, the election shall be conducted by secret ballot.
- In the event of any need to hold election for any office in the Region, the Regional Director shall appoint a Returning Officer who shall be in charge of the conduct of the elections. The Returning Officer shall communicate the result of voting to the Regional Director who shall have the responsibility of declaring the results in accordance with the information conveyed by the Returning Officer. The Returning Officer so appointed shall be a Y’s Man. It shall be the duty of the Returning Officer to:
- Prepare ballot papers in accordance with the final list of candidates for any office.
- Arrange for polling by secret ballot.
- Appoint necessary officers to assist him for that purpose.
- Count the votes after polling is over in the presence of the candidates or their representatives; and
- Communicate the results of such counting to the Regional Director.
It shall be the discretion of the returning officer to conduct the elections for all contested officers, by use of one and the same ballot paper or by different ballot papers for the different posts. His decision in this matter shall be final.
- For the smooth conduct of the election, every delegate is required to bring photo ID cards to cast their vote. Delegate can bring any one of the photo ID cards such as Aadhaar card, election ID card, Passport, Driving licence, PAN card, state or Central Govt issued pension card with photo and ID card from the Regional Website. No other photo ID cards will be accepted
12. Officers elected could assume office of Districts and Region only if their clubs are in good standing as on the stipulated date (last day of prescribed for payment of the second semester dues). In the event of any post falling vacant, fresh elections shall be conducted at the ensuing District Conference or Regional Convention.
Section 11. Period of Office
All Regional Officers shall hold office from the date of the installation at the Regional Convention or on 1st July of the year whichever is later. They shall hold office till 30th June of the succeeding year or till their successors are elected or appointed whichever is later.
Section 12. Financial Year
The financial year of the Association shall be the period beginning from 1st July and ending 30th June.
Section 13. Funds
- The funds of the Association shall be operated upon by the Regional Director, or Regional Secretary along with the Regional Treasurer
2. Every year at its first meeting, the Regional Council shall nominate a Y’s Man of long standing, conversant with accounting and auditing skills and he shall verify the accounts and ascertain that the funds collected are appropriated/disbursed for the specific purpose for which the funds are collected and shall report the findings in the ensuing Regional Convention.
- The accounts shall be audited by a qualified Chartered Accountant and the audited statement of Accounts of the Association as on 30th June after adoption by the Regional Council shall be circulated to all the clubs before 31st October of that year.
Section 14. Districts
1. The Region shall consists of as many Districts as the Regional Council may determine subject however that the minimum of clubs for a District shall be 10 and maximum 30. If, during the currency of a financial year, the number of clubs in a District exceeds 30, there shall be no compulsion to subdivide the District before the beginning of the next year. It shall be the prerogative of the Regional Council to form Districts by allocating clubs to such Districts. Geographical consideration and Administrative convenience shall guide the Regional Council in such allocation.
2 a. The District Governor-Elect shall be elected at the District Conference, which shall be held before 30th April and the election result shall be notified to the Regional Director. If any District fails to elect its District Governor Elect in any event before the date fixed before the date of commencement of the Regional Convention, the Nominating Committee mentioned in Section 10 shall appoint a District Governor Elect, who shall hold office until a successor is elected by a duly convened District Conference or until the next Regional Convention, whichever is earlier.
b. The District Governor Elect shall automatically become the District Governor at the expiration of the current term of office of the District Governor or upon the office falling vacant by any reason. In such an event the District Governor Elect will function as District Governor for his full term in addition to the partial term he had acted in the vacancy of his predecessor.
c. The procedure for election prescribed for election to the Regional posts in section 10 shall as far as practicable apply to the election to the office of the District Governor or District Governor Elect, as the case may be with the difference that reference to the Regional Director in Section 10 sub section (10) shall be understood as a reference to the District Governor.
- Each District shall be administered by the Governor in consultation with its District Council.
- The District Council shall consist of the Governor, District Governor-Elect if any, immediate Past District Governor, Past DGs, District Service Directors if any, and President and Secretary of each club or two elected representatives of the club as provided in Sub Section (5) of this Section and such number of other officers including the Secretary and Treasurer, as may be appointed by District Governor provided that the number of officers appointed by him shall not exceed one-third of the strength of the representatives of clubs. Regional Officers within the District shall be ex-officio members of the District Council.
- The representatives of clubs in the District Council shall be elected at a meeting of the club and their names shall be communicated to the Governor. If any vacancy arises in the office of any representative, it can be filled up by the Managing Committee of the club.
- The District Council shall ordinarily meet once in three months. It shall be called by the Governor or one-third of the members of the council, including the ex-officio members, after a written request is made to the District Governor to convene the meeting and the District Governor fails to convene the meeting within fifteen days of the request.
- Each District shall hold a District Conference, ordinarily before the 30th of April and in any event before the date fixed for the Regional Convention. The District Governor elected shall be installed at the District Conference.
6. For the District Conference for the election of District Governor, every chartered club in good standing shall be entitled to send one delegate for 15 to 20 members and one delegate each for every additional 10 members. Ie. Upto 20 members one delegate, upto 30 -2, upto 40 -3, upto 50-4 ie. one delegate for attaining next 10th member. Major part will not be considered. Clubs can send any number of its member as observers but without voting rights.
Section 15. Regional Director
- The Regional Director shall be the Chief Executive and co-ordinator of his Region and shall be responsible for the administration and finance of his Region. He shall report to the Area President of India Area.
- He shall preside at all meetings of the Regional Council and the convention and also at all other meetings of the Association.
- He shall oversee the work and activities of the Association and shall perform such other duties as usually pertaining to that office.
- He shall serve as a medium of communication between the Clubs, the Region, the Area and the International Association.
Section 16. Regional Director Elect.
He shall assist the Regional Director in all his duties and carry out such assignments as may be given to him by the Regional .Director . He shall act as Regional Director in his absence on any occasion and also in the event of the office of the Regional Director becoming vacant for any reason. The Regional Director Elect shall attend the International Convention. If he is not able to attend the function, the Regional Council may select one from among its members to attend the convention.
Section 17. Lieutenant Directors
The Region shall have one or more Lt. Directors subject however to the authority of the Regional Council to create additional office of Lt. Directors when the number of clubs exceed 90 and further the number of Districts exceed 4. The Lt. Directors shall supervise the working of the clubs in the Districts under each Lt.Director allotted to them by the Regional Council and guide them in their activities. He shall report to the Regional Director and assist him in every manner in the discharge of his duties
Section 17 A. Lieutenant Directors Elect
Each zone shall have a Lt. Director-Elect to assist the Lt. Director in all his duties and to carry out such assignment as may be given to him by the Lt. Director. He shall automatically become the Lieutenant Director on the expiry of the term of the Lt. Director, or in the event of the post of Lt. Director falling vacant for any reason. He shall be eligible to hold the post of Lt. Director for a full term of one year, not withstanding any partial term of office he may have held on account of a vacancy of the office of the Lt. Director.
Section 18. Regional Secretary
He shall keep the minutes of all meetings, distribute copies to all members of the Regional Council, keep a permanent historical file of the clubs of the Region and maintain such other secretarial work.
Section 19. YMCA Liaison Officer
The National General Secretary of the National Council of YMCA's of India shall be the Liaison officer between the YMCA and the clubs in the Region as a whole.
Section 20. Regional Treasurer
1.The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the Association and shall pay out from the said funds, upon the direction of the Regional Director. He shall keep proper and regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure and submit a financial statement at the Regional Convention. He shall also prepare and present a budget as soon as he assumes office.
2. The audited statement of Accounts of the Association for the year shall be circulated to all the clubs as provided in Section 13 sub section (3).
3. He shall also submit an audited statement of Accounts as on 30th June at least in the 3rd Regional Council meeting or before 15th October whichever is earlier, after his term of office. The copies of the approved audited report shall be submitted to the Area and International.
Section 21. Regional Related Secretary
The Regional Related Secretary shall be the co-ordinating link between YMCA Related Secretaries of the clubs in the Region and shall assist the Regional Council in all possible ways
Section 22. District Governors
- The Governor shall be the administrative officer of the District. He shall be responsible for carrying out all District Activities, working in close consultation with the District Council and within the policies established by the International Association. He shall report directly to the Regional Director.
- He shall perform the following functions:
- Actively promote the growth of the clubs within the District and the fulfillment of the purpose of Y's dom by those clubs.
- Maintain closest possible contact with all clubs within the District by frequent visits both formal and informal and by correspondence. (He should visit each club at least twice a year. Where the number of clubs or distances between the clubs precludes visitations, redistricting may be advisable to provide for more closely knit Districts).
- Promote and co-ordinate extension of Y's dom within the District.
- Serve as the Chairman of the District Council and be responsible for its effective functioning.
- Call an annual conference of all clubs in the District and serve as its presiding officer, and in consultation with the council (a) prepare the conference agenda and (b) put forth the necessary promotional efforts required to ensure maximum representation and participation of all clubs within the District.
- (a) prepare the conference agenda and
- (b) put forth the necessary promotional efforts required to ensure maximum representation and participation of all clubs within the District
- Represent the clubs of the District at all meetings of the Regional Council and serve as effective member thereof, and
- Keep all clubs within the District informed of International, Area and Regional policies, programmes and emphases.
Section 23. Regional Service Directors
Every Regional Service Director shall be responsible for effectively organising the activities of the association in the branch of work committed to his charge. He shall submit written reports periodically to the Regional Director.
Section 24. Clubs in the Region
It shall be the duty of the member clubs in Region
- To meet regularly, preferably twice a month
- To ensure regular attendance.
- To carry on regularly active work to achieve the objects of the club.
- 'To submit semi-annual reports to the Regional Secretary and the Regional Treasurer with copies to the Regional Director, Regional Director Elect, Lt. Director concerned, and the District Governor in the prescribed form so as to reach them on or before the last days of August and February respectively every year and to submit monthly reports to the Regional Director, RD-Elect, Lt. Director concerned, Regional Secretary and the District Governor.
- To pay such per capita fees as the Regional Council may determine from time to time so as to reach the Regional Treasurer on or before the last days of August and February respectively.
To elect and appoint officers, directors and committees for the club for annual terms commencing from first July each year.
Section 25. Nominations to International Elections
Nominations to International Elections for the positions of International President Elect and International Treasurer Elect shall be made by the Regional Director only on the basis of a resolution of the Regional Council. In case of urgency, an emergency Regional Council meeting may be convened for the said purpose.
Section 26. Sponsoring of new Clubs outside the Region
No club in this Region shall sponsor a club outside the territorial limits of this Region without the permission of the Regional Council of this Region. In case the location of the proposed club falls within the specified territorial limits of any other Region, prior written approval of the Regional Director of that Region also shall be obtained.
Section 27. Settlement of Conflicts
Conflicts shall be settled as per “Conflict Resolution Procedure” in force as issued by the International.
Any dispute, illegal act/s or any act or acts of dishonesty that occur at any level of Y’s Men International in violation of its aims, objectives, mission statement, purpose and constitution shall be filed for settlement in the forums stated hereunder. Any club in good standing or any member in good standing club in Y’s Men International may lodge a written complaint duly signed by the complainant only before the prescribed forum. The adjudicators for resolution of conflicts in these forums shall be the “Troika”.
(1) Club forum for club level disputes
(2) District forum for district level disputes
(3) Regional forum for Regional level disputes
(4) Area forum for Area level disputes
Where the Troika in any of the above forums cannot resolve the dispute, it shall refer the same to the Troika of the next higher forum for resolution. All the forums should strictly adhere and follow the procedures laid down in the Conflict Resolution Procedure in Y’s Men International.
Adjudication procedure and disposal of complaint shall be followed as specified in the Conflict Resolution Procedure issued by the International.
Any party/s to the conflict that feels aggrieved by the verdict delivered by the Troika in any of the above forums in respect of the dispute can appeal to the next higher forum for resolution.
When any conflict is referred to the apex forum of Y’s Men International (the IEOs) for redress, the verdict delivered by the IEOs shall be final and conclusive and shall be binding on the parties to the appeal. No further appeal shall lie.
SECTION 28: Rotation formula
1. In order to give a fair chance of representation to all Zones of the Region in the election of Regional Director and for all Districts of the Zones in the election of Lt. Directors, posts shall be allocated in an equitable manner by rotation among all the Zones and Districts respectively within the Region
2. This allocation shall be for a fixed number of incoming seats as decided by the Constitutional Regional Council. Even the smallest Zone and District in the Region shall get a seat in the cycle to be so fixed.
3. The number of seats to be allotted for rotation to Zones and Districts in the Region in the prescribed cycle shall be calculated on the basis of the average paid membership of the respective Zones and Districts according to the immediately preceding four half-yearly membership reports following the same principles as given in Guideline 403 and on the basis of D’Hondt’s method specified in Guideline 404 of International constitution 2014.
4. The number of seats to be allotted for rotation and the sequence for rotation of the sharing shall be decided by the Constitutional Regional Council.
5. If there is no qualified and willing candidate to become Regional Director/Lt. Director from the Zone or District to which the seat was allotted that seat will go to the Zone/District next in the sequence.
6. On completion of the cycle agreed upon, the procedure shall be repeated on the basis of the paid membership of the Zones and Districts in the then immediately preceding four half-yearly membership reports.
Section 29. Amendment
- The constitution may be amended by any Regional convention by a majority vote of not less than two third of the delegates present and voting, provided that the amendment is not against or inconsistent with the objects of the Association as set out by the International.
- Amendments can be proposed only by clubs in good standing, and no amendment shall be moved at the convention unless notice thereof has been given by the club proposing the amendment to the Regional Director and the other clubs in the Region before 30th April.
- Not with-standing anything stated in sub-section (ii) the Regional Council may authorise the Regional Secretary to move official amendments at the convention, which may be proposed on the floor of the convention meeting and no prior notice to clubs shall be necessary for such amendments.
- For removal of doubts it is hereby declared that whenever any amendment has been passed in accordance with the constitution, such amendments shall unless otherwise expressed take effect forthwith
- The provisions of this constitution shall be read subject to the provisions of the Area and International Constitutions and any provision of this Constitution inconsistent or repugnancy to the International Constitution or Area Constitution, shall be to the extent of such inconsistency or repugnancy be void.